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Saturday, October 29, 2011
long time never update this blog le... @ 9:25 PM

it has a long time i have nt post on my blog... this long time happen a lot of things like i lost my job and i have a lot of unhappy things going on which i dun wan to say on here.... nw i everyday slacking at home doing nothing.... okay lah don't keep saying this le soon out later i become lazy pig...lol 4 years le i dun even dare to talk to you i know i a 胆小鬼but i really like u and even love you... this 4 years i keep on thinking of you... when i know u do not have a girlfriend i was happy that maybe i still have a chance to be your girlfriend but in and other point i was also scared that when i tell you that i like you for 4 years i scared you will reject me and say you dun have the same feeling as what i have for you... that why i dun dare to tell u that i like you for 4 years and decided to keep this in my heart... when i told janice that i like you for 4 years she was also shocked that why i will like u... and i told her maybe by feeling bah and i also told her that i know u are a very nice person and a caring person that why make me to like you and even want to be your girlfriend.... i know this dream might not come true as i also know that you might not have the same feeling as i do... so is okay lah let god decide for us and see whether god want us to be together... i don't mind you older than me, but i don't know whether you mind that my age is younger than you... i really really like you a lot... even jason and kelvin know that i like you, jason also tell you before but i think you that he is joking with you... jason was not joking with you that time he told you... all he say was true, i really like you and already like you for 4 years and i like you since i secondary school.... i really hope that one day i can be with you... but i know is not possible de... and i have 2 weeks never see you le, next week i shall can see you at sin tua and also will see kelvin and i guess he will bully me and also bully you... okay lah i shall stop blogging here for 2dae i free i try to update my bloggie...

©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
long time liao @ 12:59 PM

long time nvr update liao... was busy wif work... nw i shall upload some of the tuah photo tat i took in sept.... lazy to type...

nw i shall upload my class photo.. (:

©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Monday, January 25, 2010
20 days haven't update liao @ 2:51 PM

It has been a 20 days i have not updated my blog le. on sat i when to the tuah house after my job and guess what i saw him and this time he stand behind mie and not in front of mie i was so happy that i saw him again after a long time because i was too busy wif my work and wanted to see him but juz can't see him. And ah gong always cal mie to help him and i told him that i am working and he ask mie i not studying i tell him that i mon-fri studying than sat-sun work than he told mummy where to find such a good daughter.
Today we having OAS lesson so call " CPA" we hav to do our project which muz be 15 sildes and nina was beside mie likes to listen to super junior song. we have a lot of fun in sch and during lesson the BPF teacher is very funny and our class advisor is also very nice like mr nathan but it still far how mr nathan treated us pass 3 years........ i have not when but to Anderson Secondary School to visit him and i told him i will not make him disapointed want i will make him proud as i talk over the phone wif him last week. but i told myself  that i will go back to Anderson Secondary School to visit the teachers like mr nathan, mr ang, mr poh and many teachers that had taught mie pass 4 years and also see my junior which their cca is NPCC that all i wanted to say for today coz i nw having lesson. i will always love you forever de. wo ai ni and i love you and i miss you... i really really really love you.........


©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
sorry @ 9:05 PM

it since a very long time i nvr update my blog cos i am busy wif my work. first i worked in mini bits at city square but than i only work like 1 and plus month and they sacked mie, they give mie the reason is enough people le but than is nt true de. as i knw a person wanted to sack mie long ago but that person juz say like that i also dunno y that person dun wan to tell mie the true. I HATE THIS KIND OF PEOPLE DUN LIKE MIE JUZ SAY DUN NEED TO TALK BEHIND PEOPLE BACK!!!!!!!!! than nvr mind i dun hav mini bits this job i stil can find because i dun feel like working at mini bits ANYMORE cos i HATE people always pull a stupid long black face to let mie to see i HATE to work wif this kind of people. i dun understand why is always mie kenna scolding and not other staff as in other staff nvr did wrong like i the only one who always did the things wrong want. when i always think of that problem i will started to cry. but than nvr mind i told myself that i dun need this job to earn a lot of money wan i can always find others jobs although the pay is not as high as mini bits but i stil feels happy want. after i lost job 3 day i found another job which is sale shoes wan and somemore is near my house, the working place is at kovan and i only need to take one bus there nt like i work at mini bits hav to take bus than take mrt de. i started school at bishan ite office course the course is only one year i will study very very hard to pass the exam and go to higher nitec de. and i always thinking of him and dunno why it hav already be 3 years le...... i will stil love him forever wan....... I LOVE YOU FOREVER!! that all i have to write for today. i will be writing whenever i am free. bye bye


©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Monday, October 12, 2009
tired @ 2:32 PM

Today is a very tried day for mie coz i was at yishun for tuah. Coz they thiz year is the third year of their tuah at seng kang of they want to hav dinner and invite people to the tuah, the first day of tuah is at friday that day is also my last day of my N level so i was wif zi xuan and my mum cal mie to faster go to the tuah so i told zi xuan and we go down to the tuah. When we reach there i saw him and zi xuan ask mie who is the guy and  told her that he is over there at the tuah there hanging something when i saw that my heart was also broken i dun wan him to be too tried. At night around 8 zi xuan, xiao bing, wen hua and shan hui they hav to go to tampines for tuah so thay make a move than ah gong came dwn i went there to say hello and ah gong give mie eat pao and give mie ang bao, and ah gong also cal him come coz ah gong wan to give him pao and eat and he came, he bang on to mie and i did not say anything and was nt angry wif him coz i really love too much le. At around 9.35 i left yishun going to amk to meet mummy go home together. I wanted to talk to him de but i see him so busy than i nvr go disturb him and i left. On saturday i and mummy went dwn to tuah and i saw him, when one of the guy cannnot make it coz he hav to poke the five general on his hand only one than they take out for the guy and cal him to take over him i was very upsad and my heart was so pian to see him do though that i really dun wan him to be tried and after the that send the god bck i and mummy want bck home and shower and change going to the tuah dinner and when we reach there i was looking for him and i still saw him busy than moment my heart was super duber pain as in the whole heart break into many pieces le. after the dinner mummy go and take the tow kie thing and guess wat when i go find mummy that time he was the want bring mummy go take the tow kie thing when mummy take the thing le he see mie and i see him but i and him nvr tok coz the bus is wait for us so we hav to go and on sunday we went to the tuah for last day. Coz they hav the tour around the temple and tuah ma so we follow and we reach the shan lin shi we went dwn and see and the monkey god gave i and mummy orange to eat. k that all i hav say for the 3 day of tuah.


©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
好想好想你哦! @ 1:57 PM

最近我没有时间去想你,是因为我在考试而没有空或许我会很想你因为你永远都在我的心里面。快要三年了,我还是没有勇气的和你说话。你可以说我是个胆小的人吧!或许我一身出来就是没有勇气的面对一个我最心爱的人,我不想做个单小小的热可是我就是真的煤油那个勇气和你说话吧!如果我真的有一天跟你说我爱你或使我喜欢你的话你一定会把我拒绝掉,那时候我会很伤心的。如果我们真地做不了情人,我们可以做个朋友吧。如果你真的又喜欢的人或是爱人的话我会真心的祝福你们的。但是我会忘不了你的因为你永远都会在我的心里面。但是,现在我只想和你先做个朋友好吗?希望你能答应我的要求, 我现在不能再写了因为我有N level 而且要去读下次如果我有空的话我可以写多一点哦!再见!


©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
miss you @ 9:38 PM

it has been already five weeks i never see you le. I really really miss you a lot, i hope to see you this week. i dunno why when i having my prelims i did not think about you and when my prelim is over than i started to miss you again. i think i was too busy with studying for my prelim, the result has came out and i have fail very badly for most of my subject even though i have study for very long le but i still fail is i very stupid? by the way i still love you very very much.i hope that every single day we can see each other and not like this only can say at my own blog and not even face to face. i scared later i tell you face to face you will reject me and tell me that you have girlfriend le. now i can only say that is i love you very very very much and right now i really really really really miss you a lot. i hope that this can still continue to miss you and love you. i have very long time never update my blog le, srry i now than update, is not i don't want to update is i really got no time to update my blog due to studying. i hope you have seen my blog. i hope that you know how much you mean to me. lastly, i will still say that i LOVE you forever and ever!!! i shall end here beacuse i have to go study for my up coming 'N' level. bye bye. miss you &love you


©copyrighted 2008 oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com