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Saturday, October 29, 2011
long time never update this blog le... @ 9:25 PM

it has a long time i have nt post on my blog... this long time happen a lot of things like i lost my job and i have a lot of unhappy things going on which i dun wan to say on here.... nw i everyday slacking at home doing nothing.... okay lah don't keep saying this le soon out later i become lazy pig...lol 4 years le i dun even dare to talk to you i know i a 胆小鬼but i really like u and even love you... this 4 years i keep on thinking of you... when i know u do not have a girlfriend i was happy that maybe i still have a chance to be your girlfriend but in and other point i was also scared that when i tell you that i like you for 4 years i scared you will reject me and say you dun have the same feeling as what i have for you... that why i dun dare to tell u that i like you for 4 years and decided to keep this in my heart... when i told janice that i like you for 4 years she was also shocked that why i will like u... and i told her maybe by feeling bah and i also told her that i know u are a very nice person and a caring person that why make me to like you and even want to be your girlfriend.... i know this dream might not come true as i also know that you might not have the same feeling as i do... so is okay lah let god decide for us and see whether god want us to be together... i don't mind you older than me, but i don't know whether you mind that my age is younger than you... i really really like you a lot... even jason and kelvin know that i like you, jason also tell you before but i think you that he is joking with you... jason was not joking with you that time he told you... all he say was true, i really like you and already like you for 4 years and i like you since i secondary school.... i really hope that one day i can be with you... but i know is not possible de... and i have 2 weeks never see you le, next week i shall can see you at sin tua and also will see kelvin and i guess he will bully me and also bully you... okay lah i shall stop blogging here for 2dae i free i try to update my bloggie...

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