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Monday, October 12, 2009
tired @ 2:32 PM

Today is a very tried day for mie coz i was at yishun for tuah. Coz they thiz year is the third year of their tuah at seng kang of they want to hav dinner and invite people to the tuah, the first day of tuah is at friday that day is also my last day of my N level so i was wif zi xuan and my mum cal mie to faster go to the tuah so i told zi xuan and we go down to the tuah. When we reach there i saw him and zi xuan ask mie who is the guy and  told her that he is over there at the tuah there hanging something when i saw that my heart was also broken i dun wan him to be too tried. At night around 8 zi xuan, xiao bing, wen hua and shan hui they hav to go to tampines for tuah so thay make a move than ah gong came dwn i went there to say hello and ah gong give mie eat pao and give mie ang bao, and ah gong also cal him come coz ah gong wan to give him pao and eat and he came, he bang on to mie and i did not say anything and was nt angry wif him coz i really love too much le. At around 9.35 i left yishun going to amk to meet mummy go home together. I wanted to talk to him de but i see him so busy than i nvr go disturb him and i left. On saturday i and mummy went dwn to tuah and i saw him, when one of the guy cannnot make it coz he hav to poke the five general on his hand only one than they take out for the guy and cal him to take over him i was very upsad and my heart was so pian to see him do though that i really dun wan him to be tried and after the that send the god bck i and mummy want bck home and shower and change going to the tuah dinner and when we reach there i was looking for him and i still saw him busy than moment my heart was super duber pain as in the whole heart break into many pieces le. after the dinner mummy go and take the tow kie thing and guess wat when i go find mummy that time he was the want bring mummy go take the tow kie thing when mummy take the thing le he see mie and i see him but i and him nvr tok coz the bus is wait for us so we hav to go and on sunday we went to the tuah for last day. Coz they hav the tour around the temple and tuah ma so we follow and we reach the shan lin shi we went dwn and see and the monkey god gave i and mummy orange to eat. k that all i hav say for the 3 day of tuah.


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