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Friday, June 19, 2009
camp @ 5:14 PM

yesterday i juz came back from camp sysnergy 2009. the camp was dram fun la we hav enjoy ourself there during the 3 day camp. the first day when i reached school i thought that the camp was going to be the same as last year but, i was wrong the game name is the same but the style is different form last year. i was is group 1 and my grouop name is talented 8 and the facil is Mr Leonard which have been with us for three years since secondary two, Nicole, and Rausyan. when the day two came we have the water game in the afternoon which we hav to made our own target board, our target board does not hav any whole is was nice and we defeated every group. after that we when to take photo behide the lift together with the other group. after two photo with the care teacher we four- eight take a group photo with my group target board. at the night we hav the talent night and everyone is gatter in the hall prepare to go to the talent night as we were in the hall everyone is given a lightstick and Mr leonard have abt 5-6 lightstick left and he made a flower lightstick and he gave it to me cos i hav booked it since day 1. after the talent night we went to the hall again for an other activites which is hide and seek when whole group have to link together and hide in a plaece until the people catch the group. guess where my group hide? you nvr think of the place the place that we hide is behide the rubish bin. we know the place was smelly but we did it. we juz left abt 6 more min but than we hav been catch by the people. after the game we when to AVT to watch a show cal don't mess with the zohan. i left the AVT at abt 1.30 cos i was very tried so i go back to class and sleep. that all i hav to say abt the camp cos i hav not get the photos that we took on the three days camp.
5,6,7,8 alright,alright,alright,alright,alright hey, clap 11 time SYSNERGY HOOOOOOOO


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